Do you listen to older music? I mean like 1980's or 1970's music. Not early 2000's music, how far back does your music taste go back to? Well I have to tell you my music taste goes all the way back to the 1960's. I guess you could say I like older music more than newer music that on the radio today. My blog today is about my favorite music artists from the 1960's to the 1980's. I was having a hard time putting the artists from favorite to least favorite, so the artists are in any random order. (:
Musical Artists
1. Led Zeppelin
The Stairway To Heaven. Ever heard of that? Well if you have its a great song by Led Zeppelin, one of the greatest bands ever. I really have no words on how to explain the band other than brilliant music!
Album: Led Zeppelin IV
Origin: London, UK
Genre: Hard Rock, Blues Rock, Folk Rock, Heavy Metal
2. Van Halen
Van Halen. Bill and Ted's dream band! Okay but forreal though Van Halen is one of the greatest bands ever and I mean ever! I know I said that about Led Zeppelin, but the two are one of the best bands ever. I'm very serious. Well some good songs are Jump, Panama, and Hot For Teacher. Jump is one of the band's most popular songs and it sounds really happy. Sadly its a very depressing song, but its still wonderful! I have been loving Van Halen more and more.
Album: 1984
Origin: Pasadena, California
Genre: Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Glam Metal
3. Queen
Queen started off as my favorite band when I was younger. Well basically since I knew what a band and music were you would always catch me listening to Queen. The song the I love the most was Bicycle Race. When I was smaller I had a little MP3 player and the only band on it was Queen. My parents would be happy because they didn't have to worry about what I was doing because I would be listening to Queen on repeat. Soon I should listen to them on repeat again ahah.
Album: Queen II
Origin: London, UK
Genre: Rock
4. Chicago
Chicago. The band that made me want to play all instruments. Well actually the song Hard to Say I'm Sorry/Get Away inspired me to play many instruments. Which started to happen. Anyways I love Chicago. They have many wonderful songs such as You're The Inspiration (a song that makes me want to cry), Hard to Say I'm Sorry, and Stay The Night. During summer time on July thrid my dad is trying to get concert tickets. Which will be very exciting! (:
Albums: Chicago 17
Origin: Chicago, Illinois
Genre: Soft Rock, Jazz Rock
5. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
For the past couple of months (just like Van Halen and Led Zeppelin) I have getting more and more into Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Every time I'm in the truck with my dad I hear Tom Petty more and more and its a good thing. It just means I can listen to more of the songs they have.
Album: Hard Promises
Origin: Gainesville, Florida
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock, Blues Rock, Heartland Rock
6. The Who
"I'm going to listen to The Who." I would say. The person I'm talking to would say "Who? Who are you going to listen to?" It's tough sometimes when I tell my dad especially Im going to listen to The Who (him knowing who The Who is and just trying to mess with me) and he ask me many time who I'm going to listen to. So beware if you decide to listen to them. Well my grandpa introduced The Who to me, one of his favorite bands I believe. The very first song I listened to was 'Who Are You.' I find it so fun to jam out to this song! Once I made my mom listen to it while I sang (I haven't heard the song in forever so the words were messed up) and i found it wonderful.
Album: Who Are You
Origin: London, UK
Genre: Hard Rock, Power Pop
7. The Beach Boys
The Beach Boys, Oh my goodness! I love them so very much! They are very calming but very happy. Its a way to make a mood better as long as you don't listen to the couple of slower songs they have. My grandpa gave me two of their records (Surfin' Safari and ) I could probably listen to them on repeat. The thing is I don't really have a favorite song, sadly. Well you have to know what kind of music they play right? The Beach Boys do play Pop music, Rock music, and Surf music. The thing is that it 60's Rock/ Pop. Meaning the pop/rock you're thinking of that's on the radio is totally different than 60's pop/rock. Since its not normal radio music now there's a chance that everyone won't like them but I think they are great!
Album: Surfin' Safari
Origin: Hawthorne, California
Led Zeppelin (: |